Athens State University is located in Athens, 阿拉巴马州, a picturesque area equidistant between Birmingham and Nashville. bwin中文网的校园占地约85英亩,历史悠久,可追溯到19世纪初. 探索下面bwin中文网的校园建筑,并安排您的访问,看看为什么雅典州立大学是完成教育的完美背景.
Founders Hall
建于1842年,被列入国家史迹名录, 创始人大厅是校园里最古老的建筑,也是雅典州立大学的标志性建筑. Founders Hall currently houses the Office of the President, offices for Financial Affairs, and faculty and staff offices for the College of Arts and 科学s. Additionally, Founders Hall houses the Glasgow Parlor, where countless receptions and events take place, 还有一个小教堂, which now serves as a meeting space.
Sandridge Student Center
作为学生和学生支持服务的主要中心, 桑德里奇学生中心建于1967年,是在1918年体育馆和游泳池的基础上建造的,并于2018年进行了翻新. The Center was named for Dr. 西德尼·E. 从1970年到1981年,他担任该机构的总裁. The Sandridge Student Center houses the Enrollment Center, 办公室 of 招生, Student Records, Student Financial 援助, Transfer Advising and Career Development Centers, Accessibility Services, and the University Bookstore.
Currently housing classrooms, 科学实验室, and offices for College of Arts and 科学s faculty and staff, 水域大厅 was completed in 1957; an expansion and total renovation was completed in 2010. 水域大厅 also houses the Mathematical, 电脑, and Natural 科学s (MCNS) Learning Lab, which provides tutoring assistance to students in math, computer science, and biology classes. The building is named in honor of Mr. N. H. 水域, 谁在1957年担任该机构的董事会主席,并且是该机构的忠实支持者.
College of Arts and 科学sClassroom Building
The Classroom Building houses interactive, multi-purpose classrooms and was completed in the fall of 1998. In 2019, 教学楼也成为了学术技术服务中心, the Technology 帮助台, and lounges for faculty and students.
Kares Library
Kares Library at Athens State University opened in 1996, 它的大部分建设资金来自私人捐赠. In addition to the Library collection and offices, the building houses the University Writing Center, a Learning Commons area, 和博士. Elva Bell McLin Archives Room. 该图书馆于2019年正式命名为“卡雷斯图书馆”,以纪念卡雷斯先生. Robert Kares (a 1968 alumnus of Athens College) and his wife, 盖尔, a retired librarian, 在他们捐了一大笔钱为图书馆捐款之后.
Kares Library桑德斯大厅
目前是商学院教职员工办公室的所在地, 桑德斯大厅 was built in 1921; a total renovation was completed in 2010. Originally a women’s dormitory, the Hall is named for Colonel W. T. 桑德斯从1896年到1921年主持了该机构的董事会.
College of BusinessMcCandless Hall
McCandless Hall, 建于1912年,并被列入国家史迹名录, 设有大学的“格里芬礼堂”,作为音乐会的设施, 戏剧, and lectures for the campus and community. The building also houses offices for Academic Affairs, the Fiddlers Museum, and the Delmore Brothers Museum. McCandless Hall在2013年进行了全面的翻新,既恢复了原有的特色,又增加了现代化的设施,以确保所有顾客都能平等地进入. 礼堂的特色是一台可追溯到1892年的跟踪式管风琴.
目前是教育学院教职员工办公室的所在地, 麦凯恩大厅于1962年完工,并于2011年进行了全面翻新. 这座建筑最初是女性宿舍,以博士的名字命名. 维吉尔B. McCain, President of the institution from 1959 until 1965.
College of Education校园 Security
Once known as the “Little White House,“这座位于创始人大厅南边的小别墅现在是校园安全办公室的所在地. 新生经常到保卫处领取学生证. The building has served many purposes through its history, including use as a Greek house and for faculty housing.
校园 SecurityCarter Physical Education Center
建于1965年,最初作为大学体育项目的中心(2004年停止), 该中心以前阿拉巴马州众议员汤米·卡特和他的妻子乔安的名字命名,以表彰他们对该机构的支持. 除了体育馆,卡特还设有教室和体育博物馆. 该中心用于毕业练习和各种会议和社区活动.
Chasteen Hall
Just off the main campus on the corner of Clinton and Hobbs Streets, Chasteen Hall目前是成人学位课程和大学测试中心的办公室, as well as various classrooms and computer labs. The building is named for Dr. 詹姆斯·R. 查斯汀,1981年至1990年雅典州立大学校长,和他的妻子梅尔巴. Originally owned by then Athens College, 在被大学重新购买之前,该建筑被出售并同时用作杂货店和五金店多年.
Center for Lifelong Learning
位于历史悠久的法院广场东侧的南马里恩街121号, 终身学习中心是雅典州立大学的继续教育和延伸. 其使命是为学生和周边社区提供参与社区活动和教育机会的机会,以满足该地区的职业发展和个人充实需求. 顺便在广场时钟咖啡店喝杯咖啡,也位于中心.
Center for Lifelong LearningIn-Service Center
Located on Highway 31 South, the 阿拉巴马州 Math, 科学, 和技术倡议(也被称为AMSTI)是阿拉巴马州教育部在全州范围内改善数学和科学教学的倡议. 它的使命是为所有K至12年级的学生提供在工作和高等教育中取得成功所需的知识和技能. 雅典州立大学AMSTI中心成立于2008年,服务于10个地区学校系统的29所学校和500多名教师.
In-Service Center阿拉巴马州 Center for the Arts
Located in downtown Decatur, 阿拉巴马州, 阿拉巴马艺术中心代表了雅典州立大学之间独特而充满活力的伙伴关系, Calhoun 社区 College, and the City of Decatur. “ACA”容纳了雅典州立大学的视觉和表演艺术项目,并作为一个中心,在一个鼓舞人心的环境中积极参与创造性活动和学习, 充满活力的, and supportive environment. As a key resource and driver for arts activities and education, 民政事务处促进大学和社会的公民及文化生活.
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校园 事件
Tuesday, 7月y 16, 2024
Final Exams for Full Term & 2nd Half-Term
活动时间: 7月 16 - 7月 22 地点: Athens State University -